I feared the features of Down syndrome when I was pregnant with David. When he was born with hydrops and gained 2 pounds of fluid in two days I couldn't tell what features were from the swelling and what was from the extra chromosome.
When the team came in on day two to tell me they weren't sure if he would survive they brought his footprint certificate; you know what stood out? The sandal gap big toes. He has the cutest feet with that extra special space between the toes. And what's cuter is he uses his feet like hands. We call him monkey feet. Who else do you know that can pick his nose with his toes or disconnect his feeding tube with his toes?
When he came home from the hospital I tried not to post or print pics where you saw the features of Down syndrome. Now it rarely bothers me. In fact sometimes I just find it enchanting. His almond eyes and tiny nose are so cute. Not to mention the smile with the tongue out. That is who he is and when I see pics of him I just see the baby I love.
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