Adding some quick photos from our recent trip to LA before we head out of town for San Diego. If you live in AZ you go to CA to escape the hot summers.
David loves the beach. Not the water so much but for sure the sand.
Zac loves the beach and the water. Too bad he is allergic to sun screen. We try to expose him to sun over time so he won't burn when we spend the whole day outside.
We were able to make it to the Phoenix Zoo on a muggy overcast morning. David enjoyed hanging out with Smokey.
He loves horses the best.
I think Smokey likes him too.
Hopefully, someday we will move towards riding horses.
Hanging out at Nana's pool
My little silly boy with his proud Nana.
He is very cautious around the water and hangs out on the steps. Today he actual let me take him under water.
Hopefully, we will have many more photos soon of our next adventure before school starts next month.